Monday, May 07, 2007



I think it's been quite a chase to locate a good bookmarking site.

I have narrowed it down to 2 providers:

Sync2IT - I have used their services for years now.
They are free.
you d/l and use a small resident program that PHYICALLY syncs your bookmarks in IE, Firefox, Opera to the site.. also reads hebrew and other non english and accented bookmarks and titles.

plus side - very fast, reliable, puts your bookmarks on the computer and syncs your office bookmarks and your home bookmarks, your laptop etc.. you can search your bookmarks, search others bookmarks, create collections, recieve updates of others collections etc..

downside - the only way i am able to add a bookmark is via my browser, so if i dont want to install the client for some reason, or i just want to manage my bookmarks i must be on my own machine. - this is a big downside - but maybe i just didn't read the faq.

plus side - Everything is on the web, including the management software. you can use Tags to say what the bookmark is about, and you can put a bookmark in many different "virtual" locations, this eliminates the "sophies choice" syndrome of where to keep the bookmark: under programming? under customising, under dot net or under framework ? or maybe under cool stuff? or Object Oriented Ideas? - you get the idea.

downside - Everything is on the web, so you need to have a browser page open at your account.. this is bothersome for me, i hate having lots of windows open (and i usually have at least 7 if not 10 browsers open together) - I use Maxthon..

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